Science Center Oberlausitz
The Science Center itself offers a physical meeting point for students, scientists, managers, SMEs and citizens, where research, innovation, teaching and technology transfer meet in the context of digitization.

What potential does Upper Lusatia already have with regard to digital change and what educational opportunities are necessary to be fit for the modern world of work?

Here you can find an overview of all publications in the context of SCO-TTi.

Integrated Development 4.0 (iDev40)
Skills & Workplaces 4.0
The European research project "Integrated Development 4.0 (iDev40)" headed by Infineon Austria has set itself the goal of significantly accelerating the development processes in the electronic components and systems (ECS) industry in Europe by means of digitization. 39 partners from six countries are researching digitization topics in relation to the intelligent networking of production and development processes for electronic components and systems.
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Automation & Logistics
43 partners from eight countries research and develop innovative power semiconductors with more power density and energy efficiency. Power semiconductors are required in all phases of energy conversion: generation, transmission and use. More efficient semiconductors make an important contribution to reducing carbon dioxide emissions despite the world's increasing energy demand.
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Science Center Oberlausitz
The Science Center itself offers a physical meeting point for students, scientists, managers, SMEs and citizens, where research, innovation, teaching and technology transfer meet in the context of digitization.

Immobilienmanagement 4.0
Virtual Reality
Digital processing and making a half-timbered house accessible.

What potential does Upper Lusatia already have with regard to digital change and what educational opportunities are necessary to be fit for the modern world of work?

Here you can find an overview of all publications in the context of SCO-TTi.

Integrated Development 4.0 (iDev40)
Skills & Workplaces 4.0
The European research project "Integrated Development 4.0 (iDev40)" headed by Infineon Austria has set itself the goal of significantly accelerating the development processes in the electronic components and systems (ECS) industry in Europe by means of digitization. 39 partners from six countries are researching digitization topics in relation to the intelligent networking of production and development processes for electronic components and systems.
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Automation & Logistics
43 partners from eight countries research and develop innovative power semiconductors with more power density and energy efficiency. Power semiconductors are required in all phases of energy conversion: generation, transmission and use. More efficient semiconductors make an important contribution to reducing carbon dioxide emissions despite the world's increasing energy demand.
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Research & Transfer
SCO-TTi is involved in numerous national and international research projects that focus on digitization in the following areas: production and logistics or Industry 4.0, electronic systems and components (ECS) supply chains, augmented and virtual reality, real estate management and competence development , University teaching and professional development for the digital transformation in business and society. In addition to our professional skills in the above-mentioned areas, we also offer experience in research and transfer management of regional, national and international projects. If you are interested in new joint projects or have general questions, please feel free to contact us at any time so that we can exchange ideas. We look forward to working with you to implement new projects for the region and to interlink research, business and society!
Research & Transfer
SCO-TTi is involved in numerous national and international research projects that focus on digitization in the following areas: production and logistics or Industry 4.0, electronic systems and components (ECS) supply chains, augmented and virtual reality, real estate management and competence development , University teaching and professional development for the digital transformation in business and society. In addition to our professional skills in the above-mentioned areas, we also offer experience in research and transfer management of regional, national and international projects. If you are interested in new joint projects or have general questions, please feel free to contact us at any time so that we can exchange ideas. We look forward to working with you to implement new projects for the region and to interlink research, business and society!
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