Haus Z II
Schliebenstraße 21, 02763 Zittau
Tel.: 03583 612 - 3801
Fax: 03583 612 - 2809
Labor Wirtschaftsinformatik
Software and services
Aris Architect/Designer, ARIS UML Designer, ARIS Business Optimizer, ARIS Smart Input
For: BPM, process representation, EPKs, Business modelling, Change Management, Process Reengineering
Links to Aris:
- https://www.ariscommunity.com/videos/lernen-sie-wie-sie-informationen-zu-aris-business-architect-erhalten
- https://www.ariscommunity.com
- https://www.springer.com/de/book/9781846286124
- Datawarehouse
- DB Marketing // Databases clearly illustrated with various tools
- Shop systems on Debian Server: Gambio, Shopware, Modified
- BigBlueButton Server of Faculty W
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