Haus Z II
Schliebenstraße 21, 02763 Zittau
Tel.: 03583 612 - 3801
Fax: 03583 612 - 2809
ResearchGate: Link
Twitter: scotti_europe

The Team
SCO-TTi are professors as well as (research) employees of the Faculty of Economics and Industrial Engineering at the University of Zittau / Görlitz. The team combines practical and academic experience in the areas of production and logistics management in the semiconductor industry, (business) IT and ERP systems, business administration, marketing, data analysis, engineering, (engineering) pedagogy, cultural studies, computer aided design, additive manufacturing and Mixed Reality (MR). The work of SCO-TTi is characterized by interdisciplinarity, internationality and unconventional solution approaches using state-of-the-art technologies as well as the constant transfer of knowledge, technology and education.
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