With our business simulation games you primarily gain possibility to get known with complex processes and structures. Moreover, they allow you to get a high level of learning oriented towards competences, which, especially in the times of digitization, gains paramount importance.

Daniel Winkler
Haus Z II, Raum 0.18.4
Schliebenstraße 21, 02763 Zittau
Tel.: 03583 612 - 4595
Pitch Your Green Idea!
»Pitch Your Green Idea« is an award-winning board game on sustainable enterpreneurship and innovation development.
Sustainable companies should be at the same time socially responsible, environmental-friendly and economical. We accept this challenge with the board game – creative, informatory, entertaining. Pitch Your Green Idea! brings closer such topics as sustainable company management, project managament, innovvation development nad creative methods.
In the safe environment of the board game the participants can develop their own solutions regarding important social and ecological matters and are in entertainative way introduced to sustainable development and organisation development.
Within the game one can create new business ideas or develop the existing ones. Safe board game environment creates possibilities for trying new ideas, getting feedback and ideas development without the fear of their affect on reality.
The game is equally aimed at people with and without an idea for a business and regardless of having initial knowledge in the field of sustainale development.
Business simulation games
Business simulation game SysTeamsBusiness
SysTeamsBusiness boardgame simulates running a company, from purchasing till endproduct, including financing.
This simulation game excellently conveys the basics of business administration and is suitable for all students, who would like to be active in management. It pictures all areas of General Management and simulates manufacturing companies, which are in competion on a common market. The participants can undertstand the process of business value creation and experience the effects of their business decisions, for example on the balance sheet.
The game conveys clearly and comprehensively how a company functions as a whole by reproducing basic business processes on the board. Within this, partcipants gain an inside into functional areas of the production company, can grasp them in a literal sence and understand how they interact. With the analysis of cash flows they gain fundamential knowledge about hte baiscs of corporate finances and develop an understanding of how can be business decisions made and how can business processes be designed effectively.
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