Virtual Upper Lusatian House
The half-timbered houses shape the villages of Upper Lusatia. The scientific contact person for half-timbered house is the "Informationszentrum Umbindehaus" (IZU) at the HSZG ( Technological progress requires the IZU's scientific competencies to be expanded and presented in a contemporary and public manner. Significant half-timbered houses are to be represented and made accessible using virtual reality. This includes a catalog of digital components and assemblies that can be exchanged and expanded with cooperation partners and the public. The aim is to expand the scientific competence of the HSZG, to complement the surrounding area research with innovative methods in the field of digitization and to keep it available in the region.

Dr.-Ing. Liane Vogel
Haus Z II, Raum 103
Schliebenstraße 21, 02763 Zittau
Tel.: 03583 612 - 4689
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